Kuff Again! Riddim with I-Octane, Ninjaman, Aidonia & More Artistes.

It seems to be a good season for riddim remakes. Earlier this week Moby Records brought us the great remake of the nineties Duck riddim called Ugly Duckling Riddim. Today Tiger Shark Records drops the “Kuff Again!” riddim, a more than decent remake of the eighties classic Kuff Riddim.

Kuff Again! features a top-notch line up with artistes like Ninjaman, Aidonia, I-Octane, Taranchyla and more artistes. As icing on the riddim-cake it also features Shelly Thunder that probably had the biggest hit on the riddim ever with her song “Kuff” in 1988.

[Song Title song=”Kuff Again RIddim (Full Release)”] [iTunes itunes=”http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=eWzdqjrpviA&subid=&offerid=146261.1&type=10&tmpid=5573&RD_PARM1=https%3A%2F%2Fitunes.apple.com%2Falbum%2Fkuff-again%21%2Fid680700927″] [JunoDownload juno=”http://www.junodownload.com/products/kuff-again/2301431-02/?ref=kass”] [Amazon amazon=”http://amzn.to/1eR8C54″]

Listen the full release here:

Kuff again riddim 2013 album art
The 2013 “Kuff Again!” Riddim Album artwork.
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