R.I.P. Cool Ruler 15 July 1951 – 25 October 2010

Ri.I.P. Gregory Isaacs - 15 July 1951 – 25 October 2010
Ri.I.P. Gregory Isaacs – 15 July 1951 – 25 October 2010
October 25 is the day the world lost a great reggae icon, Gregory Isaacs also known as the Cool Ruler. A well-known New York Times reporter described him as ‘the most exquisite vocalist in reggae’.
Mr Isaacs fought a long battle against lung cancer which he eventually lost on October 25, 2013. Isaacs died at his home in south London. On November 20 a big memorial service was held at Kingston’s National Indoor Sports Centre, including tributes from artistes including Lloyd Parks and We the People Band, Ken Boothe, Freddie McGregor, Shaggy, Judy Mowatt, Mavado, The Tamlins and Bongo Herman, before his remains were entombed at the Dovecot Cemetery.

Listen some of his music below as well as Busy Signal bringing a musical tribute to the Cool Ruler during a stage show in Wuppertal, Germany, on November 3, 2010. What is your favorite song by Gregory Isaacs? Leave a comment below.

Busy Signal Gregory Isaacs Tribute:

Gregory Isaacs – Dread locks love affair (1976):

Gregory Isaacs- Rumors (1988):

Gregory Isaacs- Cool Down The Pace (1982):

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