Remington Steele – Vibes & Culture Mixtape @therealrampage

Rampage aka Remmington Steele
Rampage aka Remmington Steele

Flip Mode Squad 1st Lieutenant Rampage just dropped his new mixtape Remington Steele – Vibes & Culture.

Rampage tried to do this mixtape as if it was an old studio throwback album.
The “Vibes & Culture” mixtape is inspired by songs young Rampage grew up to hearing them being played by his family. His dad is Jamaican and his mother Panamanian. Rampage grew up in Flatbush, Brooklyn or as he calls it “Little Jamaica”.

Tracks like “The Hustle” and “Watch Your Back” are instant classics! Bringing back the vibes and memory of the raw undiluted nineties rap with deep uptempo basslines and funky guitar riffs. Unlike the current -overproduced- mainstream pop ‘hiphop’ and ‘rap’. Check it out below and download the mixtape for free!

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