Download Kodi Dancehall Reggae Music & Video Add On

Download Kodi Dancehall Reggae Add On!
Download Kodi Dancehall Reggae Add On!

Dancehall Geniuz v1.01 for Kodi (Xbmc)
Who needs Netflix? With a home theater app like Kodi, you can roll your own sweet-looking library with all the TV shows and movies and music channels you like, with none of the junk.
If you’re a Kodi user, and love Dancehall and Reggae music, then this is what you been searching for! Dancehall Geniuz v1.01 for Kodi is a new video add-on giving you acces to all the latest dancehall reggae music channels within Kodi surroundings.

All major Dancehall Music channels bundled in one add-on for your ho
me theater app. featuring leading channels like Dancehall Reggae Tv, Reggaeville, Dancehall Navigator, JJ evaFrass, Krish Media, Vprecords, Onstage Jamaica Tv, Gibbo Presents, Hype Tv, Ity and Fancy Cat, Majah Hype and more

New channels will be added in updates.

Installation Instructions
– Download the Dancehall Geniuz add-on here:

  • Open Kodi / Xbmc
    – Install using System -> Settings -> Add-ons -> Install from zip file
    – Install the Kodi add-on from the zip
    – Go to Video Add-Ons and search for Dancehall Geniuz
    Congratulations! You’ll now be able to enjoy your favorite music and keep up with the latest releases all on your own home theater application, just pick a channel and start watching!

For suggestions and remarks or if you want your channel featured in our add-on link us here:

Kodi Dancehall Geniuz Screenshot

Kodi Dancehall Reggae Add On Screenshots:

Kodi Dancehall Geniuz Screenshot
Kodi Dancehall Geniuz Screenshot
Kodi Dancehall Geniuz Screenshot
Kodi Dancehall Geniuz Screenshot

Kodi formerly called Xbox Media Center (or XBMC for short) is an open source project dedicated to building powerful, customizable home theater software. To find out more about Kodi visit the Kodi website.